Top 20 Korean Conversational Phrases You Need To Know Part 2

3koreanclassNEW2Part Two! 

Your classes and textbooks will skip them. Sounds counter-intuitive when you’re out to speak Korean like a natural but thats why we’re here. Here are the next top 10 Korean conversational phrases you might want to brush up on.

Hey, if you REALLY want to learn & speak Korean with a full learning system + 1,000s of Audio & Video lessons by teachers – Sign up at KoreanClass101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend them as a teacher and a learner.

Tip: Memorize them and practice saying them quickly. Once they’re solidly stuck in your head, just blurt them out at the next opportune occasion without stopping to think.


11. 네? ne (excuse me? literally, Yes?)

When you want to ask someone say something one more time… because either you forgot to clean your ears this morning… or they’re a low talker, you can simply say 네? It literally means ‘Yes?’, but it’s not rude in Korean.

12. 야! ya (Hey)

To call friends, you can simply say 야 ya. It’s exactly like Hey in English. But remember that you can use it only between friends.

13. 선생님 seonsaengnim (Mr. Literally Teacher)

If you don’t know someone’s name, you can simply call someone as 선생님. It really means ‘teacher’, but this word can be used to mean ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs.’ If you know someone’s family name, you can put the family name in front of the word 선생님 such as 김 선생님 (Kim seonsaengnim)

14. 나도 nado (Me too)

나 means ‘I, me’, and 도 means ‘too’. All together it means ‘me too.’ When you agree with someone’s suggestion or opinion, you can simply say 나도 twice as 나도나도.

15. 근데.. geunde (Anyway)

When someone’s boring you with complaints about their life or you just want to talk about yourself instead, you say “…..Anyyyywayyy…” Do just that in Korean! You can simply say 근데 then talk about something else. When you’re talking to someone older than you, simply put the particle 요 at the end as 근데요 (geundeyo).

16. 좋아합니다. joahamnida (I like, I love)

This literally means ‘I like [something/someone].’ However, many people use it to mean ‘I love you’ since it’s less direct. If someone says ‘I like you’, consider yourself lucky (or unlucky)! They’re admitting love!

17. 부탁합니다. butakamnida (Please)

In English, you can say [noun] then please to ask something. Same in Korean. Simply say nouns, then say  부탁합니다. It’s polite way to ask something in Korean.

18. 안돼요 andeyo (No, Don’t do it)

No! Don’t speak to me in English! When you want to say ‘Don’t do something’, say 안돼요 instead of 아니요(aniyo). Both means ‘No’, but you can only say 안돼요 when you ask someone not to do something.

19. 도와주세요 dowajuseyo (Help!)

You won’t use this phrase, but it’s better to remember. When you need help, simply use this one. It’s also good to ask ladies over 30s, since they are more likely help someone even if they don’t know you. There’s hope for humanity yet!

20. 괜찮아요 genchanayo (Okay?)

It means ‘Okay’. You can use it to ask someone if he/she is okay, or answer questions. Kinda like when you type out a whole message to a friend and they reply with a “K.” >_>

Also it means ‘to like’. So when someone say ‘괜찮아요’, it means ‘I like it’, not ‘It’s okay’. Remember, that less direct is always the better in Korean.

There you go! Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Leave a comment!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Korean learners. If you REALLY want to learn Korean with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at KoreanClass101 (click here) and start learning!

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하이 코리안 s

한국말 배워씀니다.
정말 너무 제미있는데요..:)

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hey reynalds……..park rae mii hago shinae e kayo means…….i am going to town with park rae miii……i hope this helps? Pls reply back


Nice, thank you for this! 😀
I’m Swedish, and I’ve recently started studying Korean.


can somebody tell me whats the meaning for this ?? 🙂 tnx >>>>

park rae mii-hago shinae-ekayo

Chanaia C

This is great, thanks very much. My Korean language exchange partner has breathed a sigh of relief because of these phrases.
I too am looking forward to more parts. Keep up the good work!

Also, could you do pronouns ? They’re a bit complex for me.


Pls.update some more I want to learn more juseyo


I love both 1st part and 2nd part of “Top 20 Korean Conversational Phrases You Need To Know”.

I think it’s really useful for me.

I’m now studying Korean studies in M.A in Thailand & I’ll go to SNU next March…so, I hope these phrases can help me to talk with Korean friends in more natural way. ^_^

thanks again

PS. I’m waiting for yur 3,4,5,6….parts also 😉

[…] About Me! Korean Phrases & Words: Saying Hello & Bye Top 20 Korean Conversational Phrases You Need To Know Part 2 […]

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