How To Introduce Yourself in German: 8 Useful Phrases

Hello Junkies,

The first thing any beginner German learner needs is an introduction.

Why? Well, who are you? Why are you learning German and why should anyone care? When will you finally start speaking German?

An introduction gives you something to say right now!

So, right now, you’re going to learn how to introduce yourself in German. Check out the phrases. Say them out loud. Play the audio to hear real German. Cool? Cool.

Let’s jump in.

1. Wie heißt du? What’s your name? (informal)

Of course, the first thing you need to know is… the actual question: “What’s your name” in German? Why? Because people will ask you this. So you need to know it.

  • Wie heißt du?
    • Literal translation: What do you call yourself? (informal)
    • Meaning: What’s your name?
    • Pronunciation: VEE HI-SST DOO?
    • The German consonant “ß” is pronounced “ss.”
    • The German vowel combination “EI” is pronounced like the “I” in “island.”

By the way,  you should also hear REAL German. So, here’s a free German audio lesson from GermanPod101 – a popular German learning program. Press play and learn how to introduce yourself.

2. Wie heißen Sie? What’s your name? (formal)

This is a more formal way of asking “what’s your name” in German.

  • Literal translation: What do you call yourself? (formal)
  • Meaning: What’s your name?
  • Pronunciation: VEE HI-SSEN ZEE?
  • “Sie” must have a capital “S,” since it means “YOU (formal).” When it has a lowercase “s” it can mean “she” or “they.” 

Now, that you know the questions… Let’s answer it. Here are some ways to introduce yourself in German.

whats your name in german

3. Mein Name ist _____. My name is _____.

  • Literal translation / Meaning: My name is…
  • Pronunciation: MINE NAH-MAEH IST …

This is a formal way to introduce yourself. It literally means: “My name is…”

4. Ich heiße ____. I call myself ____.

  • Literal translation: I call myself… / I am called …
  • Meaning: My name is…
  • Pronunciation: EEH (h as in huge) HI-SAEH …

5. Ich bin ____. I am ____.

You can also use this alternative to introduce yourself, which literally means: “I am…”

  • Ich bin _____
    • Literal translation / Meaning: I am…
    • Pronunciation: EEH (h as in huge) bin

introduce myintroduce yourself in germanself in german

6. Es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Nice to meet you. (formal)

You will also need to know how to say “nice to meet you” in German, right? Well, go ahead and use this phrase.

  • Pronunciation: ES FROH-EET MIH (h as in huge) ZEE KEHN-NEN-TSOO-LEHR-NEHN
  • Shorter version: Freut mich!

Note, that it has a shorter version that you can use (Freut mich!)

7. Ich komme aus den (place). I am from (place).

  • I am from (place).
  • Ich komme aus den (place).
    • example: Ich komme aus den USA.
      • I’m from America.
    • example: Ich komme aus Deutschland.
      • I’m from Germany.
    • example: Ich komme aus Frankreich.
      • I’m from France.

8. Ich bin (age #) alt. I am (age #) years old.

Here’s how you say how old you are in German.

  • Ich bin (age #) alt.
  • I am (age #) years old.
    • example: Ich bin 18 Jahre alt.
      • I am 18 years old.

9. Ich bin (occupation). I am (a/an occupation).

Remember this phrase? You learned it above as a way to introduce yourself in German. For example,  “Ich bin Bob = I am Bob.” But, you can also use it to talk about your work or occupation.

  • Ich bin (occupation).
  • I am (a/an occupation).
    • example: Ich bin Lehrer.
      • I am a teacher.
    • example: Ich bin Student.
      • I am a student.

Conclusion: Your Self-Introduction in German

So, here’s your German self introduction script you might want to use.

Hallo, Mein name ist (name). Schön, dich kennenzulernen. Ich komme aus den (place). Ich bin (age #) alt. Ich bin (occupation). 

You are learning to speak and understand German, right? And you want to be understood by Germans, right? Good. And just like you, most learners out there, above all, want to speak and be understood in German. So the easy way to start speaking is…

  • It’s to talk about yourself. Get that introduction.
  • It’s to have a set introduction you’ll repeat again and again. Why?
  • Because who doesn’t start with introducing themselves? Everyone does.

Learn to introduce yourself in German and you’ve got 1/3rd of a German conversation squared away. The rest are topics of interest and closing greetings.

Now, leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Better, yet, introduce yourself!

The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for German learners. If you REALLY want to learn to German with effective Audio & Video lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at GermanPod101 (click here) and start learning!



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[…] learn how to introduce yourself in German. — formally and informally. First of all, you must know that there are two forms for “YOU” in […]

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Hallo, guten tag
Ich bin anusha thapa. Ich komme aus Nepal bin 20 jahre alt . Ich bin lerne deutsch spreche in nepal ….
#Herzlichen Dank
For you guidens

Samuel cling

Hallo,mein name ist cling,schon,dict kennenzulernen,ich komme aus den Nigeria,ich bin 17 al,ich bin student. im a beginner a learning germany,thanks for the self introduction lesson.

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