How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish Fluently. 14 Fun Phrases (AUDIO)

Want to introduce yourself in Spanish?

Yes? Good – keep reading.

This is for those that truly want to learn the language. So, here’s how you introduce yourself. You’ll pick up 14 easy lines… and this might take you 2 to 3 minutes or less. With this lesson…

  • You get the Spanish phrases and translations.
  • Read out loud to practice your speaking.
  • Feel free to print this sheet out for extra review.
  • Listen to the audio lesson to hear the pronunciation.

So, let’s look at the ways to introduce yourself in Spanish.

Want a bundle of 30+ Spanish PDF Lessons? These colorful and printable PDFs teach you Spanish phrases… and they’re free for new learners.
Click here to get Spanish PDF Lessons.
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1) Mi nombre es (name).

Of all the ways to say introduce yourself in Spanish, this is the most formal way.  To say “my name is” in Spanish, you just need the phrase “Mi nombre es.” Then say your name. So, leave me a comment below and add your name. That will be your introduction!

  • Mi nombre es (name).
  • Meaning: My name is (name).
  • Very formal

By the way, you’ll also want to HEAR Spanish as you read this. So, check out this FREE Spanish Audio Lesson by Press play below. You will hear “mi nombre es” and “me llamo” in the audio lesson below.

introduce yourself in spanish

2) Me llamo (name)

This is the most common way to introduce yourself.  “Llamo” comes from the reflexive verb, “llamarse,” which means “to call oneself.”

  • Me llamo (name)
  • Meaning: My name is… (I call myself/I am called)

3) Soy (name)

This is a much more casual way to introduce yourself in Spanish. You just need the word “soy” which is “I am.”

  • Soy (name)
  • Meaning: I am (name)

On top of these basic Spanish phrases, you’ll also want to learn the question, “what’s your name” in Spanish. You’ll definitely be asked that.

4) ¿Cómo te llamas? (informal)

  • ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Meaning: What’s your name? (informal)

You’ll want to know this question when dealing with friends and people of your age.  By the way,  note the “upside-down” question mark (¿). You must know that this is used at the beginning of every question in Spanish.

5) ¿Cómo se llamas? (formal)

  • ¿Cómo se llamas?
  • Meaning: What’s your name? (formal)

This phrase is for if  you’re dealing with older people, of higher status, or just want to be polite. Just change the “te” into a “se.”

6) Hola, es un placer conocerte.

Do you know how to say hello in Spanish? Use this phrase.

Hello (Hola) and Nice to meet you (es un placer conocerte) are must-know phrases. And any introduction will probably will use these words.

  • Hola, es un placer conocerte.
  • Meaning: Hello, It’s nice to meet you.
introduce yourself in spanish

7) Soy de México.

So, where are you from? America? Europe? Africa? Asia? Just stick the name of your country inside this phrase. We’ll use Mexico as an example.

  • I am from (Mexico).
  • Soy de México.
  • I’m from Mexico.
introduce yourself in spanish

Here are some common countries that you can stick into this Spanish sentence… and how to say them in Spanish.

  1. United States – Estados Unidos
  2. France – Francia
  3. Spain – España
  4. Italy – Italia
  5. China – China
  6. United Kingdom – Reino Unido
  7. Germany – Alemania
  8. Japan – Japón
  9. Australia – Australia
  10. Canada – Canadá
  11. Mexico – México
  12. Thailand – Tailandia
  13. Brazil – Brasil
  14. South Korea – Corea del Sur
  15. India – India

8) Yo vivo en la Ciudad de México.

What about now – where do you live? Just fill in the blank with the country or city (if famous) into this phrase. I’ll use Mexico City as an example since I used Mexico in the phrase before.

  • I live in ______.
  • Yo vivo en la Ciudad de México.
  • I live in Mexico City
introduce yourself in spanish

9) He estado aprendiendo español por un año.

Now, how long have you been learning Spanish for? A month? A year?

  • He estado aprendiendo español por un año.
  • I’ve been learning Spanish for a year.
introduce yourself in spanish

10) Estoy aprendiendo español en

Where are you learning Spanish? At school? At home? This would be a great line to know and use when you’re introducing yourself. Here’s my example:

  • Estoy aprendiendo español en
  • I’m learning Spanish at
introduce yourself in spanish

11) Tengo __ años de edad.

Here’s how to say how old you are in Spanish. You’ll need to know Spanish numbers, which are not that hard, for this.

  • Tengo 27 años de edad.
  • I’m 27 years old.
introduce yourself in spanish

Of course, here you’ll need to know Spanish numbers. So, here are some examples. For the rest, check the numbers link above,


12) Soy ____.

What about your position? Are you a student? Yoga teacher? Lawyer for the potato industry? Potato salesman?

Super important question that people like to ask (and judge you about – Hey, I’m just a blogger!). Just use “soy” meaning “I’m” and add your position.

  • Soy maestro.
  • I’m a teacher.
introduce yourself in spanish

Here are some common jobs and occupations in Spanish:

  1. Estudiante – Student
  2. Profesor/a – Teacher
  3. Médico/a – Doctor
  4. Enfermero/a – Nurse
  5. Ingeniero/a – Engineer
  6. Abogado/a – Lawyer
  7. Cocinero/a – Cook/Chef
  8. Policía – Police Officer
  9. Programador/a – Programmer
  10. Contador/a – Accountant

13) Uno de mis pasatiempos es ___.

Now, let’s move onto personal interests – hobbies! My hobbies are languages, linguajunkieing and such. How about you? You’ll definitely need this line when introducing yourself in Spanish.

Here’s an example to use:

  • Uno de mis pasatiempos es leer.
  • One of my hobbies is reading.
introduce yourself in spanish

14) Me gusta escuchar música.

Now, this is just another example line about your hobbies. You can use something else where.

  • Me gusta escuchar música.
  • I enjoy listening to music.
introduce yourself in spanish

Now that you know some Spanish self-introduction phrases…

Let’s take a look at Spanish introduction examples.

Spanish Introduction Examples

While the above are just phrases…

Here are some Spanish introduction examples you can use to introduce yourself.

Sample scripts for Spanish introduction that you can use outright, depending on the situation.

Name, Age & Where You’re From

  • Hola, mi nombre es [name]. Tengo [number] años y soy de [place].
  • Hello, my name is [name]. I am [number] years old and I am from [place].

Longer Introduction & About Yourself

  • Hola, soy [name]. Vivo en [place] y estudio/trabajo en [field]. Me encanta [hobby] y siempre estoy listo/a para una buena charla sobre [interest].
  • Hi, I’m [name]. I live in [place] and study/work in [field]. I love [hobby] and I’m always up for a good chat about [interest].

Quick 1-Liner

  • ¡Hola! Soy [name] y vivo en [place].
    Hi! I’m [name] and I live in [place].

Conclusion — Back to You.

So now you know how to introduce yourself in Spanish.

Plus, you got some Spanish introduction examples that you can use for yourself.

I’m sure there’s a ton more you can say – but this is an easy, simple start that any beginner can put to use. It’s all about starting easy.

See if you can introduce yourself below.

Leave me a comment.

I read all comments!

Hope you enjoyed this!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Spanish learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Spanish with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at SpanishPod101 (click here) and start learning!

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[…] Introduce Yourself in Spanish […]


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