Learn Russian: How to Count In Russian From 1-100 in 5 Minutes

Hello Junkies!

Well, if you are learning Russian – all those letters, phrases, and grammar rules – you’ll need numbers too! You need to be able to…

  • Talk about your age in Russian
  • Get the phone numbers from the Russian hotties
  • Give out your own number
  • Tell time
  • Get money, get rich (or die trying) and buy stuff
  • etc.

Hey, if you REALLY want to learn & speak Russian, I suggest RussianPod101. You get 1,000+ audio/video courses, lessons by Russian teachers and a whole learning system. Sign up at RussianPod101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend ’em as a teacher & learner.

So, here’s how you count in Russian, from 1 to 100 in 5 minutes or less. If you want to just want to learn 1 to 10, don’t worry –  I break these down step-by-step so you’re not overloaded. You’ll learn how to count, read and say the numbers out loud in the following steps.

  • Part 1: One to Ten
  • Part 2: Eleven to Nineteen
  • Part 3: 20 to 29. These will apply to all numbers 20 and above.
  • Part 4: 20, 30, 40… to 100
  • Part 5: Useful phrases with numbers

Part 1. First, we’ll start with numbers from 1 to 10.

Below is a picture for quick reference, and underneath is the chart for all Russian numbers from one to ten. Don’t worry too much about the pronunciation. The romanization versions will give you a good idea of how to say them.

Just read the romanizations out-loud and there you have it, your Russian numbers from one to ten. It’s that easy.


That was simple, huh?

Part 2. Russian Numbers 11 to 19.

Why 11 to 19, you ask? Slow down there, Russian rocket! Russian numbers 11 to 19 sound a bit different than the rest, so they need special attention. The only one rule you need to know is….

  • add a “надцать/nadsat” after the numbers from 1-10 to say 11-19″

Again, read out the romanizations to get an idea of the pronunciation.


Part 3: Numbers 20 to 29.

So, all numbers, 20 and above, will follow the same exact format when it comes to counting from 21 to 29 or 31 to 39 or 91 to 99. In this case, we’ll do 20-29 first. You may as well know how to say 20 in Russian too, right?

The format you need to know for these numbers is this…

  • <twenty, or thirty, etc.> + <the single digit number (that you learned in 1-10)>
  • It’s the same exact method in English. Twenty One. Thirty One. Fifty One.

So, 20 in Russian is двадцать (dvadsat’). If you wanted to say 25, you’d take the 5 (пять/pyat’) from the numbers you learned in 1-10 and combine the two.

  • 25 becomes двадцать пять – dvadsat’ pyat’.

This format will apply to all the inbetweener numbers 20 and above. And here’s the chart for the numbers, 20 to 29. Read the romanizations for practice and to get an idea of the pronunciation.

21двадцать одинdvadsat’ odin
22двадцать дваdvadsat’ dva
23двадцать триdvadsat’ tri
24двадцать четыреdvadsat’ chetire
25двадцать пятьdvadsat’ pyat’
26двадцать шестьdvadsat’ shest’
27двадцать семьdvadsat’ sem’
28двадцать восемьdvadsat’ vocem’
29двадцать девятьdvadsat’ devyat’

Part 4: Numbers 20, 30, 40… to 100

So, same as English, the twenties, thirties, fifties, etc. etc. have their own names. Once you know them, you can use rule provided in Step 3 to figure out any number between 20 and 100. Like 99! Not too hard.


Remember the rule for saying numbers anywhere between 20 and 99…

  • <twenty, or thirty, etc.> + <the single digit number (that you learned in 1-10)>

So, 20 in Russian is двадцать (dvadsat’). If you wanted to say 25, you’d take the 5 (пять/pyat’) from the numbers you learned in 1-10 and combine the two.

  • 25 becomes двадцать пять – dvadsat’ pyat’.

So, for practice:

  • 33 is tridsat’ + tri
  • 47 is sоrок + sem’
  • 68 is shest’desat + vocem’
  • 99 is devyanosto + devyat

Part 5: Useful Russian phrases with numbers

“I am …. years old” in Russian

  1. Мне (age #) лет.
  2. Mne (age #) let.
  3. Example. Mne dvadsat’ pyat’ let. I am 25 years old.

“What’s your phone number” in Russian

  1. Какой у тебя телефон?
  2. Kakoy u tebya telefon?

“My phone number is…” in Russian

  1. Мой номер – (### – ####)
  2. Moy nomer – (### – ####)
  3. For example, if your number is (322 – 2233). Moy nomer – tri dva dva – dva dva tri tri.
    1. These numbers can be said aloud, one by one, as in – “three two two, two two three there”.

So, this should’ve taken you 5 minutes or less to read. What’s the best way to master these numbers? Print this page out, put in your notebook for reference. Then, practice as much as possible. Reading things online is one thing… putting them to use is how you’ll master them. Be sure to leave a comment if I missed anything!

 Want to learn to Russian with effective lessons? Sign up for free at RussianPod101 and start learning and speaking Russian!

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Thank you so much for this. I don’t want to be rude, but how about the 0 (zero)? Also is there any number that can be said in more than one way? E.g. 0 in English can be “zero” but also “o” (remember 007, double o seven). Thanks!


I absolutely love this. It’s help me a lot with learning my numbers in Russian. I am going to continue to practice to get even better!!! 🙂

Mariana Toledo

“Atlichna”!! Thank you for posting this! Good explanation! It really helped me to learn the number (I only knew to count until 10) 🙂 Best Regards from Brazil.



I have worked and worked on Russian, and I am finally starting to make headway. Numbers are starting to sound ‘right.’ Next I MUST get noun declension.

Thank you!

Wayne, Luvsiesous

[…] you been learning Russian? 1 year? 2 years? If you don’t have your Russian numbers mastered, read this. Be sure to let me know in the comments – how long you’ve been studying […]

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