9 Best Russian Learning Apps for iOS & Android for Learners


Hello Junkies!

Are you looking for some best Russian learning Apps? Good! If you want to study on your mobile device, then this list is for you.

Hey, if you REALLY want to learn & speak Russian…

… I suggest RussianPod101. You get 1,000+ audio/video courses, lessons by Russian teachers and a whole learning program. Sign up at RussianPod101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend ’em as a teacher & learner.

With them, you get a lot more than one app.

Okay, here are the Best Russian Learning Apps for the iPhone, iPad & Android. They’re in no particular order so look around. If you enjoy this list or find it useful, then…

  • Share with the Russian learning world.
  • Download the apps to learn.
  • Leave me a comment and tell me which you like.
    • If you’re an app dev… please don’t self promote.

best russian learning apps

1) Innovative Language: Free Russian Audio & Video lessons. What makes this so good? This App (by RussianPod101) releases 2-3 new lessons a week. NOT silly blog tutorials (like mine). These are ACTUAL 3-15 minute, high quality audio and video lessons covering ALL topics: listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. All new lessons are free (check the newest lessons section) so you can sit back, download and learn to speak Russian.

This is the most complete App I’ve found so far. It would be nice if they had flashcards too. But, I’m being picky. Anyways, IF you end up buying a membership, I HIGHLY recommend you do it via the website RussianPod101 (click here) because they have occasional discounts.

best russian learning apps


2) WordPower – Learn 1 new Russian word every day. It’s simple. You get an alert for a new word daily. This is good for motivation and staying on track. It takes a second to check the meaning and the audio pronunciation. And you’re done! You can also learn the top 100 or 200 words but I like the daily word best. 1 effective feature. No baggage.

best russian learning apps

The next app is similar to the above…

3) Daily Dose – 1 quick lesson a day. You get a quick lesson every day. Either grammar , a word, slang, a phrase or some cultural insights. It’s different every day. You get daily reminders and and it keeps your attention in today’s busy world. Definitely one of the best Russian learning apps.

But there’s a BIG BUT. This is not a “serious” tool if you’re looking for something “comprehensive.” The lessons are bite-sized. However, it’s a nice way to spend 1-3 minutes a day if you’re waiting in line, commuting or something.

best russian learning apps

4) HelloTalk – Find Russian native speakers & chat with them. This is a messaging app. It’s kind of like Whatsapp or Tinder for language learning! Highly recommended if you’re not shy. With HelloTalk, just set your “target language” to Russian and you’ll find Russian speakers. Then, chat with them and practice your writing and reading. Great if you want penpals.

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5) Memrise – Choose Russian and you get tons courses & quizzes on vocab, alphabet, phrases. It’s a flashcard/quiz based system so don’t expect “conversations” or learning to speak Russian. Also, the courses are made by users and it’s likely that some will have mistakes. That said, I highly recommend it. You will find a lot of courses here.

best japanese learning apps

Okay, the next one is not just one of “best Russian learning apps”…

…in general, it’s an amazing app for learning anything. You’ll have to find Russian flashcards for it separately.

6) Anki – AnkiDroid Flashcards – True language nerds love this famous SRS flashcard system. What’s SRS? It’s short for Spaced Repetition System which (1) teaches you words/phrases/facts/whatever and (2) quizzes you on them before you forget and (3) over a spaced period of time…until you remember forever. So, you’ll see a Russian word 30 times in the first week, less in the second week, even once in the fourth week and so on. But, it will pop in to keep your memory fresh. Now, I ONLY added it here because it’s free but for iOS… it costs ($25) click to visit the store. Life changing app for reviewing and mastering TONS of Russian words and phrases.

best russian learning apps

7) Learn Russian Phrasebook – Okay, if you want a nice source of phrases and common words, this is it. This app (free version) contains 200+ and includes audio pronunciation. Definitely a nice substitute for an actual phrasebook. Mostly geared for beginners and travelers.

best russian learning apps

The last app was good for beginners. Now this app…

8) Learn Russian – 5,000 Phrases. You can learn 5,000 phrases which is insane. You can probably do MORE with Anki but it’s all here inside this App. Because you get a ton of stuff to learn, this is not for beginners or lazy learners. Definitely for motivated people and those that want to boost their speaking skills.

Only downside is, I don’t think there’s an iOS version. Bah!

best russian learning apps

9) Russian Dictionary: Sadly, this too is for the Android only. If you need a dictionary, here it is. It’s both English to Russian and Russian to English. Of course, you can hear pronunciations for the words as well.

best russian learning apps

So, what do you think?

Did I miss any best Russian learning Apps?

Be sure to leave me a comment and a link.

Yes, this list is barely scratching the surface. There are more. Let’s make it a top 20 or top 30 list. If you have a favorite, leave a comment. But please, learners only and NOT developers that want to promote unproven apps.

Hope you enjoy this!

– Written by the Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Russian learners. If you REALLY want to learn Russian with 1,000s of fun, easy audio/video lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at RussianPod101 (click here) and start learning!RussianNEW42

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