20+ Korean Worksheets PDFs: Printable Exercises for Beginners

Want to learn Korean?

Then you’ll need resources that help you practice Korean… and do some “work.”

And that’s where Korean Worksheets come in!

In this Linguajunkie guide, I will give you 20+ FREE Korean worksheets. You can download, print them, and go nuts practicing.

Why am I giving them to you for free? Because I want you to remember Linguajunkie and use my resources! Plus, in my opinion, some of the best Korean resources you can have are not digital but physical… where you can write and practice.

Korean worksheets for beginners

Tricks for Learning Fast with My Korean Worksheets

These Korean worksheets are simple… and they’ll be useful to you whether you are 12 years old, 35 years old, or 88 years old.

You download them. You print them out. And you write on them. Write out the words, phrases, and grammar examples. It’s pure writing. And you know what? The more you do it… the better all of it will stick. You will know Korean easily simply because you spent time writing it out.

Why? Because USING Korean is what will help you learn the most. Not by reading about rules. Not by watching YouTube videos. But USING Korean.

Remember, you can also print the same worksheet several times for even more practice.

Korean Worksheets for Beginners

What does a beginner need? In my opinion… A few things: direction, the alphabet, and the right mindset. So, here, you get the Korean PDFs to help you with that.

As a new beginner… it’s hard to know where to start.

So, you go download a few apps, subscribe to a few YouTube channels… and… you overwhelm yourself with a poop-ton of resources that you will never finish. So you feel guilty. So you try again. You give up again. And maybe you come back 2 or 3 years later… and you regret all the lost time. You could have been fluent or close to fluent by now.

That’s what happens when you have no guidance.

So, that’s where this Checklist-Worksheet comes in. Follow the recommended steps and you should be on the right track. Inside, you’ll also get a link to another resource that will teach you how to stay motivated, consistent, and have the right mindset.

korean learning checklist worksheet


You know what else a brand new Korean learner needs? You’d know if you were using the check-list above.

The alphabet. So, here are some worksheets that you may find useful.

Goal: Teaches you the Hangul (Korean alphabet)

This one’s not mine but KoreanClass101 is my go-to, recommended learning program. And they offer this printable Hangul workbook where you can practice writing out the letters one by one. This is a nice, big, step-by-step guide, as you can see by the picture below.

korean hangul pdf workbook

Goal: Teaches you the Hangul (Korean alphabet) quicker

The above is actually a workbook that may take you a bit to finish.

If you want something lighter and faster, feel free to use my Hangul worksheet — it’s only 2 pages long and will teach you all of the Hangul characters. Or, you can use it for review and brush up, after you’ve learned Hangul.

korean hangul worksheet pdf

Goal: Teaches you the Hangul stroke order

This is another Hangul worksheet that’s focused more on the Hangul stroke order. Want to know the correct way to write the characters? If you do, inside, you’ll see the stroke order broken down step-by-step with arrows.

You can use this resource together with other worksheets here. Use this to get used to the stroke order. Use the others to practice the characters outright.

hangul stroke order worksheets

Goal: Teaches you all the Korean vowel and consonant combinations.

With the Korean alphabet, you learn the characters for consonants and vowels. But, you can also combine them.

Take the letters ㄱ – (g) and ㅏ – (a). Combine them and you get 가 (ga).

And that’s where my Hangul Combinations Worksheet comes in. You get all of the possible consonant and vowel combinations, and you can practice writing them out on the provided lines. Use this after you mastered the Alphabet.

Hangul Combinations Worksheet

Korean Phrases Worksheets

This next section is all about Korean phrases. What are the must-know phrases to know as a beginner? Well, in my opinion, you will want to introduce yourself in Korean. You will want to talk about your likes and dislikes. Your Korean goals. So, I cover these topics and more.

Goal: Teaches you how to talk about yourself in Korean.

Here, you will get 10+ Korean PDF worksheets and workbooks by KoreanClass101 — which I mentioned before. These Korean PDFs cover all topics: greetings, how are yous, love phrases and much more.

Korean PDF worksheets bundle

Goal: Teaches you how to talk about yourself in Korean.

Want to introduce yourself in Korean? Say where you’re from? And that you’re learning Korean? Of course you do! The moment you’ll start speaking with native speakers, they’ll be asking about you and you will be using these very same phrases. So, master these phrases here first.

Talking about yourself in Korean worksheet

Goal: Learn how to say “I like, I love, I hate, I dislike…”

What do you love? Or hate?

We all have things we like and don’t like? And these are VERY common and FUN phrases that you use in English. So, you WILL use these in Korean as well. Learn how to say I like you in Korean. Or, I hate broccoli. Or, I love big apples. This Korean worksheet covers saying “I like…,” “I don’t like…,” “I love…,” and “I hate…”

And oh yea, it would be fun to learn to say I hate you in Korean too, right?

Say I like, dislike in Korean worksheet

Goal: Learn to express your wants in Korean.

I want to teach you Korean.

What do you want? Do you want to download these free Korean PDF worksheets? Of course you do. So, download this one and practice various “I want…” in Korean phrases. It’s a good indirect grammar lesson as well.

say I want in korean worksheet

Korean Vocabulary Worksheets

Next up are the must-know Korean words. As a learner, you should learn the most common words and the best way to do so is to practice writing them out. Don’t worry, you won’t learn random words like “zebra” and “economy,” but words you actually need.

Goal: Master the core words that make up everyday conversations.

Core words are the words that are most commonly used in everyday speech. If you think of English, it will be words like “a,” “an”,” “the,” “he,” “she,” etc. Core words are generally the first words you would start with.

So, if you want to learn Korean words, you should start with core words. Hence, this Korean Core Words Worksheet.

Korean Core Words Worksheet PDF

Goal: Learn must-know words to know in Korean if you are going to learn Korean.

If you’re learning a language…

You should know a specific set of words. Knowing these words will help you “learn Korean in Korean” instead of English. So, what words do I mean? I mean… knowing how to say word, phrase, ‘verb, adjective, and other language-related terms. Because eventually,… if you grow to be more advanced, you WILL be learning Korean in Korean. So, these words are a must.

Korean Worksheets PDF for Vocabulary

Goal: Master the must-know adjectives.

Instead of learning Korean adjectives one by one…

You should learn the antonyms — or opposites. It’s more efficient. So, if you learn to say hot in Korean. You should learn cold as well. And that’s where this Korean PDF worksheet for adjectives comes in.

Korean Adjectives Worksheet

Goal: Master the must-know verbs.

Same concept as the above, but instead with Korean verbs. Learn the opposites like “stop and go” and “open and close.” You’ll learn a total of 30 verbs.

Korean Verbs Worksheet

Korean Worksheets for Numbers

Here, you’ll get the worksheets for Korean numbers and Korean counters. I will also update this section for Korean number phrases as well later on.

Goal: Learn Korean numbers from 1 to 100,

Learning numbers is another of the basic steps that a learner should take.

Luckily it won’t be hard if you use the worksheets. Just fill out the worksheet and practice learn to count in Korean from 1 to 100. Hana… Dul… Set… Net…

Korean Numbers 1 to 100 Worksheet

Goal: Master common counters.

In English we can say… one pencil, two pencils, three books, four people, five computers…

But Korean is different. Like Japanese, Korean has unique counters DEPENDING on what you’re counting: people, bottles, books, cups, and so on. Sounds frustrating for beginners because of how “unlike” English it is.. but this is something you “get used to.” Intermediate and Advanced learners are no longer bothered by it — they got used to it. How? Practice and time. And you can practice as well with this Korean Counters worksheet.

Korean Counters Worksheet

Korean Grammar Worksheets

Ah, Korean grammar. Scared? Don’t worry. These Korean worksheets cover basic grammar… but more importantly… you don’t have to memorize stuff. With Linguajunkie worksheets, you learn by doing. So, you will naturally get used to the grammar by using it.

Goal: Master the most common Korean particles.

Particles are an important part of grammar. They indicate

Get ’em wrong and you sound like a “learner.” Get ’em right and you sound like a confident speaker who’s clearly good at Korean.

So, this PDF will help you practice the most common Korean particles.

You should learn the antonyms — or opposites. It’s more efficient. So, if you learn to say hot in Korean. You should learn cold as well. And that’s where this Korean PDF worksheet for adjectives comes in.

Goal: Practice the Korean SOV sentence pattern.

English has an SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) sentence structure — “I eat rice.” Korean however is an SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) language — “I rice eat.” So, if you want to “grasp” the language, it makes sense to get used to the Korean SOV sentence structure. Which is where this worksheet will help you.

I Hope You Don’t Read This Last Thing…

I always wonder if people read the final bits of a blog post.

I don’t. And I know if you’ve looked through enough posts, it’s some generic blah-blah “filler” crap.

So, I don’t blame you.

But, let’s say you made it down here…

Let’s say you downloaded a few of these Korean worksheets…

What last thing would I want to leave you with? Well, I would just remind you of this….

1. Using Korean is the Best Way to Learn Korean. I said it before and I’m saying it again — using Korean is better than just reading or watching YouTube videos. Which is why you should immediately use what you learn — whether speaking, writing or if you’re reading or listening, look for what you’ve just learned.

So, that’s why I am bribing you to love me with my worksheets.

2. Writing is an Underrated Way to Improve Your Korean. If you practice writing words and phrases, they’ll become more natural to you. If you practice writing out sentences and grammar examples, they’ll become more natural to you. And guess what? Because you know these words well, this automatically improves all other areas of Korean: reading, listening, and speaking. Because the words are stuck in your head, it’s easy to say them.

3. I Want You to Leave Me a Comment. You’re getting these PDF worksheets for free. So, leaving a comment is the least you can do! Just so I know someone is using them and finds them useful.

Oh, and you may find these additional resources useful:

And that’s it!

Go on, you little rascal.

– Written by the Main Linguajunkie

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thank you so much putting these together!! really appreciate all of the effort you put into making this post<3



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