100+ EASY Bulgarian Phrases for Learners (PDF Inside)

Trying to learn Bulgarian?

Or, are you a YouTuber pretending to be fluent to impress native speakers?

Well, either way, you will want to know a whole bunch of Bulgarian phrases.

Read on down. This quick guide teaches you 100+ basic Bulgarian phrases and pronunciation… that you’d need for basic interactions.

The format will be

  • EnglishBulgarian (Romanizization)

The romanization is there to help you pronounce the words. But, if you want to learn the Bulgarian alphabet, I suggest BulgarianPod101 (Bulgarian learning program) and their free Alphabet PDF workbook.

Want to learn how to write in Bulgarian? Download your free Bulgarian Alphabet worksheet here

(If you want the PDF for these 100+ phrases, scroll down to the bottom)

So, let’s get into the 100+ Bulgarian phrases.

bulgarian phrases

Bulgarian Greetings

Let’s start with Bulgarian greetings first. Greetings are the first thing any language learner learns (aside from maybe a bad word), so it makes sense to learn to say hi, bye, and so on.

1. Hello (formal) –  Здравейте (Zdraveyte)

2. Hi (informal) – Здрасти (Zdrasti) – Hi (informal)

3. Good morning- Добро утро (Dobro utro)

4. Good day – Добър ден (Dobar den)

5. Good evening- Добър вечер (Dobar vecher)

6. Good night – Лека нощ (Leka nosht)

7. How are you? – (formal) Как сте? (Kak ste?) – How are you? (formal)

8. How are you? (informal) – Как си? (Kak si?) – How are you? (informal)

9. Nice to meet you (formal) – Радвам се да ви видя (Radvam se da vi vidya)

10. Nice to meet you (informal) – Радвам се да те видя (Radvam se da te vidya)

11. Goodbye Довиждане – (Dovizhdane) – Goodbye

12. Happy birthday – Честит рожден ден (Chestit rozhden den)

13. Happy holidays – Честити празници (Chestiti praznitsi)

14. Good luck – Успех (Uspeh)

Common Bulgarian Phrases

Next are the Bulgarian common phrases and words that you would want to know. Like yes, no, excuse me, sorry, please, thank you, and so on. Things that aren’t quite greetings.

15. Thank you – Благодаря (Blagodarya) – Thank you

16. Please – Моля (Molya) – Please

17. Excuse me – Извинете (Izvinete) – Excuse me

18. Yes – Да (Da) – Yes

19. No – Не (Ne) – No

20. Maybe –  Може би (mozhe bi)

21. Много приятно – (Mnogo priyatno) – Nice to meet you

22. Okay – Oкей (okei)

23. I’m sorry – Извинявай (Izvinyavay)

24. You’re welcome – Моля (molya) / няма защо (nyama zashto)

25. No problem – няма проблем (nyama problem) / без проблем (bez problem)

26. Thank you very much – Много благодаря (Mnogo blagodarya) –

27. This, please – Това, моля (Tova, molya)

28. I like it – Харесва ми (Haresva mi)

29. I don’t like it – Не ми харесва (Ne mi haresva)

30. I love you – Обичам те (Obicham te)

31. I like you – Харесваш ми (Haresvash mi)

32.I hate you – Мразя те (Mrazya te)

33. Help me – Помогнете ми (Pomognete mi)

Bulgarian Questions & Answers

Next are the most common questions that you will likely want to ask. Plus answers. For example, how to introduce yourself in Bulgarian if someone asks for your name. Or, about the toilet, where something is, or how old someone is. Some Bulgarian questions may be repeats and variations of others, but that’s okay. That’ll help imprint the words into your brain better.

34, Where is the restroom? – Къде се намира тоалетната? (Kade se namira toaletnata?)

35. Where is…? – Къде е…? (Kade e…?) –

36. What time is it? – Колко е часът? (Kolko e chasat?)

37. Can you speak English? – Можете ли да говорите на английски? (Mozhete li da govorite na angliyski?)

38. What is your name? – Как се казваш? (Kak se kazvash?)

39. My name is [Name]. – Казвам се [Name]. (Kazvam se [Name].)

40. Where are you from? – Откъде си? (Otkade si?)

41. I am from [origin]. – Съм от  [origin]. (Sam ot [origin].)

42. What do you do for a living? – Какво работиш? (Kakvo rabotish?)

43. I work as [occupation]. – Работя като [occupation]. (Rabotya kato [occupation].)

44. What are your interests? – Какви са ти интересите? (Kakvi sa ti interesite?)

45. My interests are [interests]. – Моите интереси включват [interests].

46. How old are you? – Колко години имаш? (Kolko godini imash?) – How old are you?

47. I am [age] years old. – Аз съм [age] години. (Az sam [age] godini.)

48. Why are you learning Bulgarian? – Защо учиш български? (Zashto uchish balgarski?)

49. – I am learning Bulgarian because [Reason]. –  Уча български, защото [Reason]. (Ucha balgarski, zashtoto [Reason].) –

50. How long have you been learning Bulgarian? – От колко време учиш български? (Ot kolko vreme uchish balgarski?)

51. I have been learning Bulgarian for [Duration]. – Уча български от [Duration]. (Ucha balgarski ot [Duration].)

52. How are you? – Как си? (Kak si?)

53. I am good. – Добре съм (Dobre sam)

54. When is…? – Кога е…? (Koga e…?)

55. What’s that? – Какво е това? (Kakvo e tova?).

56. That is… – Това е… (Tova e…).

57. How old are you? – На колко години си? (Na kolko godini si?).

58. I am (X) years old – Аз съм (X) години на възраст (Az sam (X) godini na vazrast).

59. Why? – Защо? (Zashto?).

60. Because – Защото (Zashtoto).

61. Do you understand Bulgarian? – Разбирате ли български? (Razbirate li bŭlgarski?).

62. I understand. – Разбирам. (Razbiram.).

63. I don’t understand. – Не разбирам. (Ne razbiram.).

64. How much? – Колко струва? (Kolko strouva?)

Bulgarian Numbers

Next are the basic Bulgarian numbers. If you want to master more, you will want a more extensive lesson. This just tells you how to count one to ten in Bulgarian.

65. zero – нула (nula)
68. one – едно (edno)
69. two – две (dve)
70. three – три (tri)
71. four – четири (chetiri)
72. five – пет (pet)
73. six – шест (shest)
74. seven – седем (sedem)
75.  eight – осем (osem)
76.  nine – девет (devet)
77. ten – десет (deset)
78. hundred – сто (sto)
79. thousand – хиляда (hiliyada)

Bulgarian Adjectives

Next up are Bulgarian adjectives. It won’t hurt to know adjectives so you can describe things and give your opinion.

80. big – голям (golyam)
81. small – малък (malŭk)
82. good – добър (dobŭr)
83. bad – лош (losh)
84. new – нов (nov)
85. old – стар (star)
86. beautiful – красив (krasiv)
87. smart – умен (umen)
88. silly – глупав (glupav)
89. strong – силен (silen)
90. weak – слаб (slab)
91. warm – топъл (topŭl)
92. cold – студен (studen)
93. tall – висок (visok)
94. short – нисък (nisŭk)
95. hot – горещо (goreshto)
96. nice – хубав (hubav)
97. hungry – гладен (gladen)
98. thirsty – жаден (zhaden)
99. loud – шумен (shumen)
100. dangerous – опасен (opasen)
101. funny – забавен (zabaven)
102. scary – страшен (trashen)
103. delicious – вкусен (vkusen)
104. cheap – евтин (evtin)
105. expensive – скъп (skap)
106. far – далеч (dalech)
107. near – близо (blizo)

Bulgarian Sentence Patterns

This section’s a bit more advanced and for people that want to know some grammar. So, if the grammar terms through you off, you’ve been warned.

108. Can you speak [A(adjective)]?

  • Entry: Говорите ли [A(adjective)]?
  • Romanization: Govorite li [A(adjective)]?

109. How much does [A(personal demonstrative pronoun)] [B(noun)] cost?

  • Колко струва [A(personal demonstrative pronoun)] [B(noun)]?
  • Kolko struva [A(personal demonstrative pronoun)] [B(noun)]?

110. Where is [A(noun in definite form)]?

  • Къде е [A(noun in definite form)]?
  • Kade e [A(noun in definite form)]?

111.  [A(noun in definite form)] [B(verb to be)] [C(adjective)].

  • [A(noun in definite form)] [B(verb to be)] [C(adjective)].
  • [A(noun in definite form)] [B(verb to be)] [C(adjective)].

112. – English: Can we [A(verb)] [B(noun)]?

  • Може ли да [A(verb)] [B(noun)]?
  • Mozhe li da [A(verb)] [B(noun)]?

113.  English: [A(noun)] don’t [B(verb)] [C(noun)].

  •  [A(noun)] не [B(verb)] [C(noun)].
  • [A(noun)] ne [B(verb)] [C(noun)].

114. [A(noun)] [B(verb)] (to) [C(verb)] [D(noun)] .

  • [A(noun)] [B(verb)] да [C(verb)] [D(noun)] .
  •  [A(noun)] [B(verb)] da [C(verb)] [D(noun)] .

115. What is there [A(preposition)] [B((noun in definite form)]?

  • Какво има [A(preposition)] [B(noun in definite form)]?
  • Kakvo ima [A(preposition)] [B(noun in definite form)]?

116.  [A(question word)] have to [B(verb)] [C(noun)].

  • [A(question word)] трябва да [B(verb)] [C(noun)].
  • [A(question word)] tryabva da [B(verb)] [C(noun)].

117. [A(noun)] [B(verb)] (myself) [C(noun)].

  • [A(noun)] се [B(verb)] [C(noun)].
  •  [A(noun)] se [B(verb)] [C(noun)].

Bulgarian Phrases – Read This Last.

Yep, that was a lot of phrases.

Chances are, you either found some phrases you need and that’s good…

Or, you realize “that’s a lot of Bulgarian phrases, I’ll never remember them all.”

Don’t worry.

1. You don’t need to remember them all right now. If you are learning Bulgarian, the stuff ends up sticking after some time.

2. If you do want a resource to help you learn Bulgarian, I suggest..

BulgarianPod101. BulgarianPod101 teaches you to speak and understand REAL Bulgarian through conversation/podcast style lessons. You’re exposed to native speakers from the start, and then they slow down and explain every word of their conversation in English.

100+ Bulgarian Phrases PDF. I made this for this article. Download it, save it, print it, and refer to it. Of course, if you print it, you can also write in it and copy out the phrases… which will help with remembering.

The Main Linguajunkie

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