25+ Spanish Proverbs About Life, Success, Death…

Learning Spanish proverbs is a great way to learn Spanish.


First, you learn phrases and words.

Second, you learn a bit of culture and way of thinking.

And third, you’re able to speak more Spanish since proverbs are foten dropped in conversations. So, in this guide, you will get 25+ Spanish proverbs and their meanings explained.

1. “A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda.”

  • Translation: “God helps those who get up early.”

Explanation: This proverb emphasizes the importance of starting your day early and being proactive.

2. “No hay mal que por bien no venga.”

  • Translation: “There is no evil from which good does not come.”

Explanation: This Spanish idiom says that  even in difficult or challenging situations, there is usually something positive that can come from it. It encourages optimism and the belief that setbacks can lead to unexpected benefits or personal growth.

3. “Más vale tarde que nunca.”

  • Translation: “Better late than never.”

Explanation: Exactly like one of the most common English porverbs

This “Más vale tarde que nunca” highlights the importance of completing something, even if it’s delayed. That it’s better to take action, regardless of timing, rather than not taking any action at all.

4. “Quien siembra vientos, recoge tempestades.”

  • Translation: “He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind.”

Explanation: This proverb is warning about the consequences of one’s actions. If someone does something bad, they will eventually face severe repercussions or intensified problems. If they create wind, they will get hit with a whirlwind.

5. “En boca cerrada no entran moscas.”

  • Translation: “Flies don’t enter a closed mouth.

Explanation: This proverb suggests to remain silent and avoid unnecessary talk or gossip. By keeping quiet, one can avoid trouble or … a fly flying into your mouth.

6. “La familia es lo primero.”

  • Translation: “Family comes first.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about family emphasizes the importance of family bonds and suggests that family should be a top priority in one’s life. That family relationships should be cherished and nurtured.

7. “El amor todo lo puede.”

  • Translation: “Love can do anything.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about love highlights the power and strength of love. Love has the ability to overcome obstacles, conquer challenges, and bring about positive change in people’s lives.

8. “En la unión está la fuerza.”

  • Translation: “In unity, there is strength.”

Explanation: This proverb is about the importance of working together and staying united. When people join forces, they can achieve greater success than doing things alone.

9. “El que busca la felicidad fuera de sí, está en el camino equivocado.”

  • Translation: “He who seeks happiness outside of himself is on the wrong path.”

Explanation: This proverb reminds individuals that true happiness comes from within and cannot be solely dependent on external factors. Searching for happiness externally, such as in material possessions, is futile, and that true happiness is found through self-discovery and inner contentment.

10. “La risa es el mejor remedio.”

  • Translation: “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about happiness highlights the healing and uplifting power of laughter. Humor and laughter can bring joy, relieve stress, and improve one’s overall well-being. It encourages people to find moments of lightheartedness and laughter in their lives.

11. “La sangre llama.”

  • Translation: “Blood calls.”

Explanation: This is another Spanish proverb about family ethat mphasizes the strong bond and loyalty among family members. It suggests that familial ties are powerful and “call family” to come together, creating a sense of responsibility and connection.

12. “El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.”

  • Translation: “He who grasps too much, holds little.”

Explanation: This proverb advises against trying to do too much or taking on more than one can handle. That focusing on fewer things and giving them proper attention leads to better results and greater satisfaction.

13. “El amor entra por la cocina.”

  • Translation: “Love enters through the kitchen.”

Explanation: This proverb highlights the idea that food and cooking can play a significant role in nurturing and expressing love within a family or relationship. It implies that preparing meals for loved ones is a way to show care, affection, and create bonds.

14. “El que no arriesga, no gana.”

  • Translation: “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t win.”

Explanation: This proverb encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zones and take calculated risks. It suggests that success and rewards often come to those who are willing to take chances and embrace new opportunities.

15. “La felicidad no tiene precio.”

  • Translation: “Happiness is priceless.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about happiness says that true happiness cannot be bought or measured in monetary terms. It emphasizes the value of intangible aspects, such as love, relationships, and personal fulfillment, which bring lasting happiness and cannot be quantified.

16. “Donde hay amor, hay vida.”

  • Translation: “Where there is love, there is life.”

Explanation: This proverb highlights the transformative and enriching power of love. It suggests that love brings vitality, meaning, and fulfillment to our lives, emphasizing its essential role in our overall well-being.

17. “No hay mal que por bien no venga, ni bien que por mal no venga.”

  • Translation: “There is no evil from which good does not come, nor good from which evil does not come.”

Explanation: This proverb expresses the idea that both positive and negative experiences can lead to unexpected outcomes. It suggests that even in difficult or unfortunate circumstances, there can be hidden blessings or lessons to be learned.

18. “El corazón tiene razones que la razón no entiende.”

  • Translation: “The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.”

Explanation: This proverb recognizes the complex nature of human emotions and the capacity of the heart to guide our actions and decisions. It suggests that sometimes our emotions and intuitions may lead us in directions that rational thinking alone cannot comprehend.

19. “El que siembra amor, cosecha felicidad.”

  • Translation: “He who sows love, reaps happiness.”

Explanation: This proverb emphasizes the positive impact of spreading love and kindness. It suggests that by acting with love and compassion towards others, we create a harmonious and joyful environment that brings happiness not only to ourselves but also to those around us.

20. “La verdadera riqueza está en el corazón.”

  • Translation: “True wealth lies in the heart.”

Explanation: This proverb highlights the notion that material possessions are not the ultimate measure of wealth or happiness. It emphasizes that genuine wealth is found in qualities such as love, kindness, gratitude, and meaningful relationships.

And if you are looking for funny Spanish proverbs…

21. “No hay mal que por bien no venga, pero hay bien que no venga nunca.”

  • Translation: “There is no evil from which good does not come, but there is good that never comes.”

Explanation: This humorous twist on the traditional proverb adds a comedic touch by suggesting that while good things may come from bad situations, there are also instances where good things never seem to happen at all.

22. “No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano.”

  • Translation: “Waking up early doesn’t make the sun rise any sooner.”

Explanation: This lighthearted proverb reminds us that no matter how early we wake up, we can’t control or speed up natural events like the rising of the sun. It humorously highlights the futility of trying to rush or control things beyond our influence.

23. “El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta y mucho estruja.”

  • Translation: “He who grasps too much, holds little and squeezes a lot.”

Explanation: This playful proverb suggests that when we try to take on too much or be overly ambitious, we end up accomplishing less and spreading ourselves thin. It humorously illustrates the idea that trying to do too many things often leads to achieving little in the end.

24. “El que nace lechón, muere cochino.”

  • Translation: “He who is born a piglet, dies a pig.”

Explanation: This funny proverb employs the imagery of a piglet growing up to be a full-grown pig. It’s often used to humorously suggest that some traits or behaviors are ingrained and unlikely to change, implying that certain aspects of our personality or nature remain consistent throughout our lives.

25. “La muerte es segura, pero su hora es incierta.”

  • Translation: “Death is certain, but its hour is uncertain.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about death reminds us that death is an inevitable part of life, but we can never predict exactly when it will occur. It underscores the importance of living each day to the fullest and cherishing our time.

26. “A la muerte no le importa la pobreza ni la riqueza.”

  • Translation: “To death, poverty and wealth do not matter.”

Explanation: This Spanish proverb about death says  that death is an equalizer, as it does not discriminate whether you’re rich or poor. In the face of death, worldly possessions, achievements, power and status don’t matter.

Conclusion on Spanish Proverbs

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But, I encourage you to pick one that you like best in and leave a comment with it.

Why? The more you interact with th elanugyage and use it, the better it sticks. That way, you can leave my blog with having “gained” something, rather than forgetting everything 10 minutes later… which sucks!

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