Russian Phrases: 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More

RussianNEW42Hello Junkies!

Need to express love in Russian? Good.

You’re on the right page. You’re going to learn the Top 15 Russian love phrases. You’ll get the…

  • Russian (writing) for these phrases
  • English pronunciation so you can say it
  • Picture (please share it 🙂 )
  • Free Audio Lesson from (at the bottom of the page)

These phrases are perfect for Valentine’s Day… and any other day. Aside from the first 2, you’ll learn other phrases that can be said to your loved one in Russian. Let’s go!

Hey, if you REALLY want to learn & speak Russian, I suggest RussianPod101. You get 1,000+ audio/video courses, lessons by Russian teachers and a whole learning system. Sign up at RussianPod101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend ’em as a teacher & learner.

1. Happy Valentine’s Day in Russian

  • Счастливый День святого Валентина!
  • Shastliviy Den’ svetovo Valentina!

Russian Love phrase

Want to wish someone a Happy V-day? This is the phrase to use. Yes, Russians know about this holiday although it is not as mainstream as it is in other Western countries. That being said, you can still use it. Just don’t forget the flowers!

2. Will you be my Valentine? in Russian

  • Будешь ли ты моим Валентином?
  • Budesh` li ti moim Valentinom?

Russian Love Phrases

Perfect question to ask when you need a Valentine’s Day date. Again, not a common concept for Russians. But, why not? If you’re wishing to share your culture… or you’re already in a Western country, then go ahead and use it. Definitely an acceptable and good phrase to know.

3. You mean so much to me.

  • Ты так много значишь для меня.
  • Ti tak mnoga znachish` dlya menya.

Russian Love Phrases

Now let’s get into some actual love & romance phrases with more meaning. Typical Russian learners don’t really get to learn these.

4. You’re so beautiful.

  • Ты такая красивая.
  • Ti takaya krasivaya.

Russian Love Phrases

A common must know phrase. What girl doesn’t want to hear this? You absolutely must know this. By the way, this phrase is in feminine form, so it’s meant to be used on a female listener.

5. I think of you as more than a friend.

  • Ты для меня больше чем друг.
  • Ti dlya menya bol`she chem droog.

Russian Love Phrases

Ready to break out of the friend zone? Or ready to take it to the next level? Let them know. Otherwise, they’ll never know (duh).

6. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.

  • Даже 100 сердец будет слишком мало чтобы выразить всю мою любовь к тебя.
  • Dazhe 100 serdets budet slishkam malo chtobi virazit` vsyu mayu lyubov` k tebe.

Russian Love Phrases

Now we’re getting poetic. Russian has a deep history of literature, poetry, and thus, this kind of language may serve you well. Well, I don’t know about nowadays. But, it’ll definitely be appreciated.

7. Love is just love. It can never be explained.

  • Любовь, это просто любовь. Её никогда нельзя объяснить.
  • Lyubov’, eto prosto lyubov’. Yeyo nikagda nel`zya ob`yasnit’.

Russian Love Phrases

Need to explain your love in Russian? Well, there you go. Love can’t be explained.

8. You’re so handsome.

  • Ты так красив.
  • Ti tak krasiv.

Russian Love Phrases

Above, you learned the phrase to use on females. But how would you compliment a man? Well, call him handsome of course. Essentially we’re using the same adjective from the phrase above, but in the masculine form.

9. I’ve got a crush on you/I like you

  • Ты мне нравишься.
  • Ti mne nravish`sya.

Russian Love Phrases

Need to confess your feelings but not quite ready for love? Use this. This phrase also just means “I like you” in Russian but it can be used as “crush” as there’s no direct translation.

10. You make me want to be a better man.

  • Ты заставляешь меня хотеть быть лучшим мужчиной.
  • Ty zastavlyaesh` menya hotet’ bit` lutshim muzhchinoi.

Russian Love Phrases

Sometimes, along comes a lady that makes you want to be a better man. To wear tuxedos more. To be gentler. To clean the apartment a little more. Sometimes. If you know if a woman like that, you should let her know this.

11. You are my sunshine, my love.

  • Ты моё солнце, моя любовь.
  • Ti mayo solntse, maya lubov`.

Russian Love Phrases

It’s actually quite natural to call your love, male or female, a sun – as a pet name. Another great phrase that most learners won’t get in a textbook. Use this one.

12. Words can’t describe my love for you.

  • Слова не могут описать мою любовь к тебе.
  • Slava ne mogut apisat’ mayu lyubov’ k tebe.

Russian Love Phrases

When you just run out of words. And language learners run out of words all the time. Very poetic. Definitely something awesome to write down in a card.

13. We were meant to be together.

  • Мы встретились чтобы быть вместе.
  • Mi vstretilis` chtoby bit` vmeste.

Russian Love Phrases

Only if you’re expecting to be committed. And if you already are. Otherwise, it’s a pretty heavy (and possibly) creepy love phrase to use casually.

14. If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you’re definitely in love.

  • Если вы думаете о ком-то, читая это, Вы определённо влюблены.
  • Yesli vi dumaete a kom-to chitaya eta, vi apredelyona vlyubleny.

Russian Love Phrases

Just a silly, fun phrase. Were you thinking of anyone? I bet you were thinking “Oh, this Linguajunkie character is so handsome.” Well, you’re definitely in love. Be sure to confess in the comments below!

15. “I love you” in Russian

  • Я люблю тебя.
  • Ya lyublyu tebya.

Russian Love Phrases

Let’s finish off with the must-know, most common love phrase – I love you. I assume you already know this one. If you don’t it’s a must. V-Day or not, this is the #1 Russian phrase to know and purposely at the bottom of the article (because anyone that reads this far is serious).

And for the Free Audio Lesson from (Russian learning site) with all of these phrase – just click play below.

Let me know what you think!

Do you know of any other Russian love phrases?  Any phrases I missed?

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And… leave a comment down below!

– The Main Junkierussianpod102

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