20+ Japanese Success Quotes & Phrases

Today’s a special topic! You’ll learn Japanese success quotes and phrases. Before we start, so you know, the Japanese word and kanji (symbol) for success are:

Kanji: 成功 Hiragana: せいこう Pronunciation: Seikou

You’re going to see”seikou” all over this article. So, let’s learn some Japanese success quotes.

1. Repeated failures lead to success.

  • 失敗を繰り返すことで、成功に至る。
  • Shippai wo kurikaesu koto de, seikou ni itaru.
Japanese success - Shippai wo kurikaesu koto de, seikou ni itaru by Linguajunkie.com Everyone hopes to get it right on the first try. The truth is, you need to try, fail, try, fail and try again and again til you get good at something. Especially the Japanese language.

2. It’s more important to not fail than to succeed.

  • 成功する事よりも、失敗しない事の方が重要だ。
  • Seikou suru koto yori mo, shippai shinai koto no hou ga juuyou da.
Japanese success by Linguajunkie.com In case you really don’t wait to fail – as in quit. That is true “failure.”

3. You’ll get better as time goes by!

  • だんだん上手になってくるよ!
  • Dan dan jouzu ni natte kuru yo!
Japanese success by Linguajunkie.com Everybody wonders how people get so talented and skilled. It’s just time and work.

4. That’s enough for me to keep going!

  • それだけで頑張れます!
  • Sore dake de ganbaremasu!
Japanese success quotes - Sore dake de ganbaremasu!by Linguajunkie.com Sometimes, all you need is a coffee to keep going. Great saying to know in Japanese.

5. I’ll do my best to find my dreams and goals.

  • しっかりとした目標、夢見つけて負けずに頑張ろ。
  • Shikkari to shita mejirushi, yume mitsukete makezuni ganbarou.
Japanese success words by Linguajunkie.com For those of you that didn’t set their goals and dreams. Well, if anything, you should be learning Japanese – that should be your goal and dream. But yeah, choose something. It won’t come to you because… see #56.

6. You create your own opportunities.

  • チャンスは自分で作るもの。
  • Chansu wa jibun de tsukuru mono.
Japanese success - Chansu wa jibun de tsukuru mono. by Linguajunkie.com Things won’t come to you. You have to go to them. Want to learn Japanese, you’ll need create the opportunity to get better by studying. You need to get up. You need to go. Or, you can choose to sit here and not create opportunities.

7. People learn from their mistakes.

  • 人は失敗から学ぶ。
  • Hito wa shippai kara manabu.
人は失敗から学ぶ。 - Japanese success quotes by Linguajunkie.com That’s one thing books can’t teach us. They can tell us facts and instructions. But it’s by us doing, practicing and making mistakes is when we learn what to do and “not” to do.

8. Don’t be swayed by those around you! Believe in yourself!

  • 周りに流されるな!己を信じろ!
  • Mawari ni nagasareru na! Onore wo shinjiro!
Japanese success sayings by Linguajunkie.com Not everyone has your best interests in mind. Even parents and friends often do not despite thinking that they do.

9. “Stay positive”

  • 前向きにね。
  • Mae muki ni ne.
Japanese saying for success - Mae muki ni ne. And of course, this one. A good phrase to know in Japanese and to use when you’re down. The above are just saying that we all know… but want to know in Japanese. Here are some actual Japanese success quotes:

10. He who runs after two hares will catch neither.

  • 二兎追うもの一兎も得ず。
  • Nito ou mono itto mo ezu.
If you try doing two things at once, you’ll fail both of them. In this case, you cannot catch two rabbits at once. Choose one. Focus on it. Choose one thing for now. Focus on becoming really good at it. Japanese words by Linguajunkie.com

11. The sum of the year is on New Year’s day.

  • 一年の計は元旦にあり。
  • Ichinen no kei wa gantan ni ari.
  • Meaning: Preparation and planning are the foundations of success.
One of my favorite Japanese proverbs to know. The translation is “The sum of the year is on New Year’s day.” What’s the connection between the literal translation and the meaning? Well, if you worked at something for 365 days of the year, you’ve been preparing and improving all year round. That builds up. That way, on the next New Year’s Day, your ability/skill the sum of your hard work from the past year.

Japanese success proverbs by Linguajunkie.com 12. To rush is good.

  • 善は急げ。
  • Zen wa isoge.
  • Meaning: “It is good to hurry” or “strike while the iron’s hot.”
Sure, rushing all the time isn’t always good, but when an opportunity presents itself – you better grab it. It’s zen to rush.

Linguajunkie.com Japanese sayings 13. Haste makes waste.

  • 急がば回れ。
  • Isogaba maware
  • Meaning: Haste makes waste.
So, the translation is: “If you rush, you’ll go around in circles.” A bit contradictory given the previous proverb, right? Well, not all rushing and busyness is necessary. Most of the time, people make themselves busy with useless things… instead of focusing on what’s important. Besides, if you rush through your work, you won’t be doing a good job. Japanese success quotes by Linguajunkie.com

14.  Failure is the stepping stone to success.

  • 失敗は成功のもと
  • Shippai wa seikou no moto
  • Meaning: Failure is the stepping stone to success
Another one of my favorite Japanese success quotes. The literal translation is “Failure is the origin/foundation of success.” You get the point. In other words, failure teaches us what actions should we change in order to achieve success. Japanese success sayings by Linguajunkie.com

15. Even Buddhist teachings scrolls have brush slips.

  • 弘法にも筆の誤り。
  • Koubou ni mo fude no ayamari.
  • Meaning: Even the greatest expert or master sometimes fails.
The literal translation is: Even Buddhist teaching scrolls/scripts have some brush slips. Anyone can make a mistake. Nobody’s perfect. This is another Japanese proverb variation for “everyone makes mistakes.” And in this case, it’s the Buddhist scrolls that have brush slips and errors. Japanese success quotes by Linguajunkie.com

16. Great talents mature late.

  • 大器晩成 – Taiki bansei
  • 大器 – Taiki – Person of great talent
  • 晩成 – Bansei – Late bloomer, late completion
Or you can interpret it as “great men succeed in their later years.” great men succeed in their later years

17. Fall seven times, stand up eight.

  • 七転び八起き – Nanakorobi yaoki
  • 転ぶ – Korobu – To fall down
  • 起きる – Okiru – To get up, Rise, Wake up
Another good Japanese success quote. Kind of a “if you don’t succeed, try and try again.” japanese success phrase

18. Challenge is the mother of success.

  • 挑戦は成功の母
  • Chousen wa seikou no haha
“Chousen” means challenge. “Haha” means mother. And, you already know “seikou” since you’re reading about Japanese success quotes. So, have you challenged yourself lately?
japaneses success phrase Chousen wa seikou no haha

19. Effort is rewarded.

  • 努力は報われる
  • Doryoku wa mukuwareru
If you’re putting in effort into learning Japanese… or anything… there will be results, or rewards. Just keep putting in effort.
Effort is rewarded japanese quote

20. A crying child thrives

  • 泣く子は育つ
  • Naku ko wa sodatsu
Meaning, one that enduring difficulties and expressing discomfort is natural and the way to grow up. Because if not and if it’s all too easy, then you won’t thrive.
A crying child thrives japanese quote

And that’s it!

What are your favorite Japanese success quotes? Or do you have any favorite success quotes in general? What else belongs on this list? I’ll read all of your answers. Leave me a comment below! Other lessons you will absolutely love: – The Main Junkie
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[…] you’ll learn even more sexy Japanese proverbs and idioms. For previous ones, read Part 5 here. Today we’re learning the top 10 […]

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