24 Japanese Spring Words that Fluent Speakers All Know

What are the must-know Japanese spring words? In this guide, you’ll pick up 24 spring words that are commonly used around spring time. Culturally relevant words. Words for things that are common during spring in Japan. So, take a scroll down, start absorbing these words, and start speaking some springtime Japanese.
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1. 桜

  • Sakura
  • Cherry blossoms
The most symbolic flower of Japanese springtime is the sakura or cherry blossoms. They bloom all over Japan with a beautiful light pink color. If you’re going to learn Japanese spring words, then “sakura” is the most common one to start with. japan spring words

2. お花見

  • Ohanami
  • Flower viewing
When the cherry blossom season starts, families and friends gather under the trees with a nice picnic. This is a popular spring activity that is not to be missed in Japan.  japanese spring words

3. 入学式

  • Nyuugakushiki
  • Entrance ceremony
The Japanese school year differs from other parts of the world because it starts and ends in the spring. Entrance ceremonies usually happen during April with the blooming cherry blossoms. These ceremonies are an official event where the parents are also invited. japanese spring words

4. 夜桜

  • Yozakura
  • Night cherry blossom
In order to enjoy the cherry blossoms to the fullest, many parks will light up the trees at night. This can create a special atmosphere where the flowers lit up against the night sky. japanese spring words

5. 桜吹雪

  • Sakura fubuki
  • Cherry blossom blizzard
When the cherry blossom petals start to drop from the trees, it can almost look like pink snow. When the wind blows, Japanese people call this a “cherry blossom blizzard” or sakura fubuki You’ll also find “sakura fubuki” on my “beautiful Japanese words list. japanese spring words

6. 桜餅

  • Sakura mochi
  • Cherry blossom rice cake
This is a special spring dessert made with cherry blossom leaves and mochi rice cakes. The mochi has a pink cherry blossom color and the leaves give an earthy aroma to this dessert sakura mochi

7. 花

  • Hana
  • Flower
Flowers are important during the spring in Japan. All kinds of beautiful and colorful flowers bloom all over the country from cherry blossoms to tulips. You can also find many flower festivals in the spring that celebrate certain flowers. japanese spring words

8. 花粉症

  • Kafun shou
  • Pollen allergies
Pollen allergies can be a problem everywhere in the world. In the spring, many people suffer from pollen allergies in Japan.  japanese spring words

9. 春雷

  • Shunrai
  • Spring thunder
Japanese people associate spring with thunderstorms. This word also symbolizes the way that bugs come out of hibernation.  japanese spring words

10. 卒業式

  • Sotsugyou shiki
  • Graduation ceremony
In Japan, graduation ceremonies happen in March. The spring season is associated with a time of farewells and new beginnings.  japanese spring words

11. 新茶

  • Shincha
  • First picked tea
Shin” means new in Japanese. And “cha” means tea. So, Shincha is freshly picked Japanese green tea. Freshly picked tea is an important part of Japanese spring. The first harvest of the tea leaves is associated with a fresh, tasty, and healthy tea.  japanese spring words

12. 春

  • Haru
  • Spring
If you’re going to learn Japanese spring words… Then you should know how to say spring. Spring in Japanese is haru. You’ll notice that Japanese people have a wide range of traditions and customs related to the seasons. This can include things like flower viewing and special spring foods.  japanese spring words

13. 母の日

  • Haha no hi
  • Mother’s day
Japan celebrates Mother’s day on the second Sunday of May. Carnations and cakes are a popular gift during this time. mothers day in japanese

14. 筍

  • Takenoko
  • Bamboo shoots
Bamboo shoots can only be harvested in the spring. They can be a common ingredient for stews and stir fries. Although they can be preserved and eaten all year, fresh bamboo shoots are perfectly tender and crisp. japanese spring words

15. 春休み

  • Haru yasumi
  • Spring break
Spring break is usually between the end of March and beginning of April. In the school calendar it is between the graduation ceremony and entrance ceremony. Unlike in the west, it isn’t associated with large beach parties and vacations. japanese spring words

16. 春雨

  • Harusame
  • Spring showers
This is a special word that represents the spring rain. Unlike in the summer when Japan has a heavy rainy season, harusame rain is lighter.  japanese spring words

17. ツバメ

  • Tsubame
  • Barn swallow
Barn swallows or tsubame are important birds that symbolize the change of seasons. During the springtime, swallows will nest and raise their young. japanese spring words

18. 田植え

  • Taue
  • Rice planting
Rice is a staple in the Japanese diet and there are many rice fields all over Japan. The season for planting rice is during the spring and it is harvested during the autumn. japanese spring words

19. 鯉のぼり

  • Koi nobori
  • Carp banners
Carp banners are a symbol of Japanese spring because it is a decoration for children’s day in March. These banners are placed outside where there is wind so that the carps fly and flap around.  japanese spring words

20. 花祭り

  • Hana matsuri
  • Flower festival
During the spring, you’ll see many festivals celebrating different flowers all over Japan. There can be flower festivals for tulips, azaleas, cherry blossoms and more!  japanese spring words

21. 春一番

  • Haru ichiban
  • Spring wind
The early spring in Japan is slightly chilly. The cool wind of this season is described by the word, haru ichiban. The kanji literally translates to “first spring”. This is a good phrase to know if you want to know more Japanese weather words. japan spring words

22. ぼたもち

  • Bota mochi
  • Sweet rice balls with azuki bean paste
A dessert during the spring equinox is called botamochi, which features sweet glutinous rice surrounded by red bean paste. They are unique from other Japanese rice desserts because the rice is not pounded. During the autumn equinox the same dessert is called ohagi. IMG_0194 BOTAMOCHI (parallel 3D)

22. 五月病

  • Gogatsu byou
  • May depression
Because the school year starts in April, many students begin to feel tired and lost around May. This is described by the word, gogatsu byou. It is said that around a fourth of new students are affected by this feeling. japanese spring words

23. ピクニック

  • Pikunikku
  • Picnic
During the flower viewing season, picnics are a common way to enjoy and celebrate the flowers. Many people bring bento lunch boxes to enjoy under the trees. japanese spring words

24. つくし

  • Tsukushi
  • Field horsetail
Tsukushi is a plant that is associated with the spring landscape. They are little shoots that resemble a tail that pop up with the warmer weather. tsukushi

24. 春の気配

  • haru no kehai
  • Signs of Spring
Kehai is a new word here. It means “hint” or “indication.” So, when you feel that chill in the air despite Spring having not started yet, you get a feeling that Spring is coming. That’ a “haru no kehai.” A sign of Spring.
japanese spring words - haru no kehai _ 春の気配

Conclusion— Back to You.

Now, you know some common Japanese spring words. If you want to remember these words, print out this page. What’s your favorite one here? Leave me a comment. I read ’em all. – The Main Lingua Junkie
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