introduce yourself in hungarian

How to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian in 10 Lines

hungarian101Hello Junkies,

Want to speak Hungarian? Yes? Good – keep reading. This is for those that truly want to learn the language. Here’s how you introduce yourself in Hungarian in 10 easy lines… and this might take you 2 to 3 minutes or less. With this lesson…

  • You get the Hungarian phrases & English translations.
  • Read out loud to practice your speaking.
  • Feel free to print this sheet out for extra review.

Here’s how you introduce yourself in Hungarian. Let’s go.

…if you REALLY want to learn Hungarian with effective audio & video lessons by real teachers – Sign up at HungarianPod101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend it.

1) Hello, It’s nice to meet you.

Hello and Nice to meet you in Hungarian are a must-know phrases. And any introduction will probably will start with these words.

  • Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
  • Helló, örülök, hogy megismerhetlek.

introduce yourself in hungarian

2) My name is _____.

This is simple. To say “my name is” in Hungarian, you just need the phrase “A nevem.” Then say your name. That’s it. Boom. Bam!

  • My name is ____.
  • A nevem ____.

introduce yourself in hungarian

3) I am from ______.

So, where are you from? America? Europe? Africa? Asia? Just stick the name of your country inside this phrase. We’ll use Hungary as an example.

  • I’m from Hungary.
  • Magyarországról jöttem.

introduce yourself in hungarian

4) I live in ______.

What about now – where do you live? Just fill in the blank with the country or city (if famous) into this phrase. I’ll use Budapest as an example. You can use your own.

  • I live in Budapest.
  • Budapesten élek.

introduce yourself in hungarian

5) I’ve been learning Hungarian for _____.

How long have you been learning Hungarian for? A month? A year?

  • I’ve been learning Hungarian for a year.
  • Már egy éve tanulok magyarul.

introduce yourself in hungarian

6) I’m learning Hungarian at _____.

Where are you learning Hungarian? At school? At home? This would be a great line to know and use when you’re introducing yourself. Here’s my example:

introduce yourself in hungarian

7) I am ____ years old.

Here’s how to say how old you are in Hungarian. Just be sure to add in your number.

  • I’m 27 years old.
  • Én 27 éves vagyok.

introduce yourself in hungarian

8) I am ______.

What about your position? Are you a student? Yoga teacher? Lawyer for the potato industry? Potato salesman? Super important question that people like to ask (and judge you about – Hey, I’m just a blogger!).

  • I’m a teacher.
  • Én tanár vagyok.

introduce yourself in hungarian

9) One of my hobbies is _____.

Now, let’s move onto personal interests – hobbies! My hobbies are languages, linguajunkieing and such. How about you? You’ll definitely need this line when introducing yourself in Hungarian.

Here’s an example to use:

  • One of my hobbies is reading.
  • Az egyik hobbim az olvasás.

introduce yourself in hungarian

10) I enjoy listening to music.

Now, this is just another example line about your hobbies. You can use something else where.

  • I enjoy listening to music.
  • Szeretek zenét hallgatni.

introduce yourself in hungarian

So now you know how to introduce yourself in Hungarian in 10 lines. I’m sure there’s a ton more you can say – but this is an easy, simple start that any beginner can put to use. It’s all about starting easy.

See if you can introduce yourself below. Leave me a comment.

I read all comments!

Hope you enjoyed this!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Hungarian learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Hungarian with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at HungarianPod101 (click here) and start learning!

hungarian101Hello Junkies,

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Lukas Bills

Hey Thx ALot this Was So HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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