How to say Happy Mother’s Day in Bulgarian: 14+ Phrases

Mom in Bulgarian is “майка” (maika) or “мамо” (mamo).

And in this guide, you’ll learn how to say Happy Mother’s Day in Bulgarian and 14+ phrases overall. But if you want one quick phrase, try:

  • Честит празник на майките!

If you want to know what it means, and want more phrases…

…keep reading. But first…

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Is Mother’s Day Celebrated in Bulgaria?

Actually, Mother’s Day is celebrated in Bulgaria on March 8th, which is also International Women’s Day. On this day, Bulgarians typically honor and show appreciation for their mothers and motherly figures by giving them gifts, flowers, or simply spending time with them.

A common and simple phrase to use on Mother’s Day in Bulgarian is “Честит празник, мамо!” (Chestit praznik, mamo!) which means “Happy holiday, mom!”

This phrase is a straightforward way to express your love for your mother on Mother’s Day in Bulgaria. However, it’s important to note that there is no single “best” phrase to use on Mother’s Day. The most meaningful way to express your love for your mother will be whatever YOU deem best.

Now, let’s take a look at a bunch of ways to say Happy Mother’s Day in Bulgarian…

1. Честит празник на майките!

  • (Chestit praznik na maikite!)
  • Happy Mother’s Day/Holiday

This phrase translates to “Happy holiday of mothers!” and is a common way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day. In this phrase, празник literally means holiday, so you are wishing a “Happy Mother’s Holiday” rather than “Mother’s Day.”

2. Обичам те, мамо

  • (Obicham te, mamo)
  • I love you mom

This is obviously the most important phrase for Mother’s Day… or any day.

“Обичам те, мамо” consists of two parts – “Обичам те” (Obicham te) and “мамо” (mamo). “Обичам те” means “I love you,” and “мамо” means “mom”

In Bulgarian, the word order of the sentence is flexible, so you could also say “Мамо, обичам те” (Mamo, obicham te), which means the same thing.

3. Ти си най-добрата майка на света!

  • (Ti si nay-dobrata maika na sveta!)
  • You are the best mother in the world!”

This means “You are the best mother in the world!” and is a way to express admiration and appreciation for your mother on Mother’s Day.

4. Благодаря ти, мамо, за всичко!

  • (Blagodarya ti, mamo, za vsichko!)
  • Thank you, mom, for everything

This means “Thank you, mom, for everything!” and is a way to express gratitude and appreciation for your mother’s love and care on Mother’s Day.

5. Желая ти много здраве, щастие и любов!

  • (Zheleya ti mnogo zdrave, shtastie i lyubov!)
  • I wish you good health, happiness, and love!

This means “I wish you good health, happiness, and love!” and is a way to express your wishes for your mother’s well-being on Mother’s Day.

6. Честит Ден на майката!

  • (Chestit Den na maikata!)
  • Happy Mother’s Day!

This phrase translates to “Happy Mother’s Day!” and is a direct way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day. It’s a more literal way to say “Mother’s Day” than the first phrase above

7. Нека празникът на майките ви бъде щастлив!

  • (Neka praznikat na maikite vi bade shtastliv!)
  • May your Mother’s Day holiday be happy!

This phrase means “May your Mother’s Day holiday be happy!” and is a wish for a happy Mother’s Day for the recipient.

8. Честит празник на всички майки!

  • (Chestit praznik na vsichki maiki!)
  • Happy holiday to all mothers!

This phrase means “Happy holiday to all mothers!” and is a way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in your life.

9. Желая ви най-щастлив Ден на майката!

  • (Zheleya vi nay-shtastliv Den na maikata!)
  • I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day!

This phrase means “I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day!” and is a direct way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day to someone special.

10. Нека Денят на майката ви бъде прекрасен!

  • (Neka Denyat na maikata vi bade prekrasen!)
  • May your Mother’s Day be wonderful!

This phrase means “May your Mother’s Day be wonderful!” and is a wish for a happy Mother’s Day for the recipient.

11. Честит Ден на майките на света!

  • (Chestit Den na maikite na sveta!)
  • Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world!

This phrase means “Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world!” and is a way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere.

12. Пожелавам ви специален Ден на майката!

  • (Pozhelavam vi spetsialen Den na maikata!)
  • I wish you a special Mother’s Day!

This phrase means “I wish you a special Mother’s Day!” and is a direct way to express your wishes for a happy Mother’s Day to someone special.

13. Желая ви много любов и радост за Деня на майката!

  • (Zheleya vi mnogo lyubov i radost za Denya na maikata!)
  • I wish you lots of love and joy for Mother’s Day!

This phrase means “I wish you lots of love and joy for Mother’s Day!” and is a way to express your wishes for a happy and love-filled Mother’s Day.

14. Нека този Ден на майките ви напомни колко специална сте!

  • (Neka tozi Den na maikite vi napomni kolko spetsialna ste!)
  • May this Mother’s Day remind you how special you are!

This phrase means “May this Mother’s Day remind you how special you are!” and is a way to express your appreciation and love for someone special on Mother’s Day.


Now you know a whole bunch of phrases…

…and ways to say Happy Mother’s Day in Bulgarian.

Which one is your favorite?

Leave a comment, I read them all.

– The Main LinguaJunkie


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