How to Say I Like You in Polish. EASY Phrases for Anyone.

Maybe you know how to say I love you in Polish.

But, do you know how to say I like you in Polish?

Well, if you’re not ready for love but do want to express your feelings… then this guide is for you. You’ll learn 16+ ways to say I like you in Polish, but similar variations.

Want to learn how to write in Polish? Download your FREE Polish Alphabet PDF worksheet here  (Super easy that anyone pick up the alphabet in just a bit).

1. Lubię Cię

This is a straightforward and common way to express liking towards someone.

  • English: I like you
  • Pronunciation: Loo-byeh chyeh

2. Podobasz mi się

This phrase can be used to express attraction or liking towards someone, and it can also be translated as “you appeal to me”.

  • English: I like you
  • Pronunciation: Po-doh-bash mi sh-ye

3. Jesteś fajny/fajna

This is an informal way to say that someone is cool or nice, and it can be used to express liking towards a friend or someone you admire.

  • English: You are cool/nice
  • Pronunciation: Yes-tesh fai-ny/fai-na

4. Jesteś sympatyczny/sympatyczna

This phrase means “You are likable” or “You are nice” and can be used to express liking towards someone in a friendly way.

  • English: You are likable/nice
  • Pronunciation: Yes-tesh sym-pah-tich-ni/sym-pah-tich-na

5. Bardzo mi się podobasz

This phrase means “I really like you” and can be used to express strong feelings of attraction or admiration towards someone.

  • English: I really like you
  • Pronunciation: Bar-dzo mi sh-ye po-doh-bash

6. Polubiłam/Polubiłem Cię

This phrase is the past tense of “Lubię Cię” and can be used to express that you have grown to like someone over time.

  • English: I have grown to like you
  • Pronunciation: Po-loo-bee-wam/po-loo-bee-wem chyeh

7. Uwielbiam spędzać czas z Tobą

This phrase means “I love spending time with you” and can be used to express that you enjoy someone’s company and like being around them.

  • English: I love spending time with you
  • Pronunciation: Oo-vyel-bee-yam spen-dzach tsash z toh-bą

8. Lubisz mnie?

This phrase means “Do you like me?” and can be used to express interest in someone and to gauge their feelings towards you.

  • English: Do you like me?
  • Pronunciation: Loo-bish mnyeh?

9. Podobam Ci się?

This phrase means “Do you like me?” and is similar to “Lubisz mnie?”, but it specifically uses the verb “podobać się” to express that you appeal to someone.

  • English: Do you like me?
  • Pronunciation: Po-doh-bam chyeh sh-ye?

10. Jesteś super

This phrase means “You are great” or “You are awesome” and can be used to express admiration or appreciation towards someone in a casual way.

  • English: You are great/awesome
    Pronunciation: Yes-tesh soo-per

11. Ja też Ciebie lubię

This phrase means “I like you too” and is a simple and common response to someone expressing liking towards you.

  • English: I like you too
    Pronunciation: Yah tesh chyeh-byeh loo-byeh

12. Też miłe jest mi z Tobą

This phrase means “It’s nice for me to be with you” and can be used to express appreciation for spending time with someone you like.

  • English: It’s nice to be with you too
  • Pronunciation: Tesh mee-weh yest mi z toh-bą

13. Dzięki, bardzo miło

This phrase means “Thanks, very kind of you” and is a polite and appreciative response to someone expressing liking towards you.

  • English: Thanks, very kind of you
  • Pronunciation: Jen-ki, bar-dzo mee-wuh

14. Jesteś mi bardzo sympatyczny/sympatyczn

This phrase means “You are very likable to me” and can be used to express that you like someone as well.

  • English: You are very likable to me
    Pronunciation: Yes-tesh mi bar-dzo sym-pah-tich-ni/sym-pah-tich-na

15. Ja ciebie też polubiłam/polubiłem

This phrase means “I have also grown to like you” and is a way to express that you have developed feelings of liking towards someone over time.

  • English: I have also grown to like you
    Pronunciation: Yah chyeh-byeh tesh po-loo-bee-wahm/po-loo-bee-wem

16. Przepraszam, nie lubię Cię

Now, what if you DON’T like someone but they liked you?

Happens all the time. So, that’s where this phrase comes in. It means “Sorry, I don’t like you” and is a direct way to express that you do not have feelings of liking towards someone.

  • English: Sorry, I don’t like you
    Pronunciation: Pzhe-prash-am, nyeh loo-byeh chyeh

The #1 Phrase to Remember

So, we ran you through 16 phrases.

But, if you only had to remember one… which would it be?

It would be “Lubię Cię.” This is the most common way to say I like you in Polish. It is a straightforward and commonly used phrase to express liking towards someone, and it is appropriate to use in most contexts.

The Main LinguaJunkie

Further Resources for Learning Polish:

#1 List of Polish Textbooks

#2 Super EASY Polish Lessons for Anyone

#3 Free Polish Workbooks PDF

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